1) What struck you most in the film?
What have struck me the most in the film is the choice of the director to do a non chronological story, with a repetition of the same scenes with different points of view.
2) What also impressed you?
What have also impressed me is the slowness of the film. In fact, that slowness make a lot of tension and increase the suspens.
3) Did you find anything more particularly upsetting?
What I have find particularly upsetting is that, we know that, the shooters are monsters. But this monsters have been created by a group of students who have bullied them, we saw a scene in the film in which one of the shooter is humiliated by classmates. If this classmates doesn't have bullied this boy, he will not have become that monster. By doing this harassement, they have destroy the life of the shooter, and this shooter have destroy the life of a lot of people.
4) What did you find very disturbing?
What I have found disturbing, is that evenments like this happened a lot in united states, all the years it is various cases of school shootings. This film is a representation of the reality.
5) What was most shocking?
What I found most shocking is to see boys and girls life in school in all the film, we see their minds, and after a moment we see their deaths.
6) What does the film suggest about the two school shooters?
The film suggest that one of the shooter was bullied, we see that in a scene. We don't know what have change the other shooter, maybe he was also bullied, or he was victim of domestic violences. We see that they haven't "live", when they kiss in the shower, because they say that they never have kiss somebody before. Maybe because they were bullied, and nobody want to kiss or hanging out with a bully
7) What's more, what does the film director make clear about the two killers?
the film director makes clear that experiences in the lifes of the two killers have change their mind, some people have steal their humanity.
8) What kind of approach to the school shooting itself did Gus Van Sant opt for?
Gus Van Sant opt for an approch to the school shootings that upset us, because we see the life of the students who were killed before. The shooting arrive brutaly in the film, and upset the order of things.
9) Moreover, what's the main
consequence of the realistic treatment he uses? What about the 'poetic'
touches he instills throughout the film?
the main consequence of the realistic treatment he uses is that we found that event more close to us. The poetic touches show us the poetry in this horrible event, what can be inapropriate.
10) As a conclusion, what must we admit about the way in which the killing and the killers are perceived by the film viewers?
The killers are perceived like victims who became executioners. The victim are perceived differently of who is kill. For exemple we are more impacted when the nerd die that when the three stupid girls dies.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Monday, May 2, 2016
School shootings in the USA

colombine massacre killers
Bang Bang You're Dead
Play inspired by the events at Jonesboro and Columbine, later turned into a movie. Teen boy Trevor Adams is bullied to the point of meltdown but is given new hope when he gets involved in Drama. But when the class decides to put on a play about schoolyard killing, Trevor's explosive past may get the play shut down.
Play: (1999) Written by William Mastrosimone. Movie: (2002) Directed by Guy Ferland.

Reason's for school shootings : The principal reason evocated for this massacres is that the killers have suffer violences at school, or have been bullied. But it also exist more reasons like domestic abuse. This acts show us that it exist great problems in united states. The first problem is the facility for everybody to found a weapon, and the second is the bullying in schools.
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