Sunday, October 4, 2015

We can see that China is the country that export the most of food in the world. All the type of products is exported from China, and it is a great variety of all type of food. But, the majority of the time, this prioducts are really bad for your health, because in China they used pesticides and chimical products to get more quantity of food and make more profits.
And even if they don't use products in the food, the country is so much contaminated that we don't have a great quality of food. Even more in the products that came from the sea, like the tuna. The products coming from China are not very expensive.
If we wan't great quality products, we can search products produced in our countrys, and with the eco products certification. Is right that this productes are more expensive but they are really better for your health.


  1. OK Cyril BUT:
    ---> you waited until today to communicate the link to your blog. This is very careless of you.
    ---> The two images are not properly inserted.
    ---> your commentary is much too short and unacceptable in Terminale. This is not serious at all.


  2. By the way, Cyril, you still need to add the blog list on the right and the contents of the various pages at the top of your blog page (see classmates' and teacher's blogs, please).
    We will talk about this in class soon but you were supposed to have done it last year, like your classmates...
