Sunday, November 22, 2015

Pop art myth's

Pop art Myths:
Pop art emerges in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It was one of the most liberating movements in the history of art. This art movement integrate the real word in art. It integrate consumer society in art, like in advertisings, for exemple for Coca Cola. Pop art iniciate a debat between what is aesthetic and what is non aesthetic. For pop art, every object is aesthetic and every object can become art. Is objective is to offer a  new interpretation of the image in contemporary culture.
Pop art conceals a great paradox. In the one hand, It was an innovating movement  that broke new ground in the path toward postmodernity but at the same time it was oriented toward the past.

Collage advertising comics
Pop art have a large part of advertising. It use a lot of elements of comics, like in look Mikey, of Roy Lichtenstein. This pop art artwork can be an advertisement for Disney. An other artwork in the Disney world is Double Mikey mouse, of Andy Warhole.

In the 20th century, it appear a culture of the adverts with the capitalism. Artist like Andy Warhole reprsents evrey day life object in their artworks, like an artwork with Grenn Stamp logo, who have become an emblem of pop art, or Campbell soup can.

Pop art also used the images of myths, for exemple, Andy Warhole used the image of Marilyn Monroe for an artwork. But others have been used like Marlon Brando, Elizabeth Taylor, James Dean... This art transform this artists on  objects of veneration.

With pop art, it arrived a new interpretation of portraits painting. It open the door of postmodernism. The portrait are not just a portrait, it's a reflction of the artist in it.

Landscapes interiors still lifes
In pop art, we see representations of everyday life object, most particullary interior objects. It's a commercial type of paint.

Urban eroticism
In the smiddle 20th century it appears a new sexual freedom. This sexual freedom appears in pop art. This eroticism is used in adverts to sell more products. That's why it appears in pop art.

History painting
Pop art are also a retranscription of history, because in it appears artworks who represents historical events or personalities, like JFK or Mao Zedong.

Art about art
That seems that pop art artists used ancient artworks to do more contemporary artworks with. Is a kind of political denounciation strategy.

1 comment:

  1. Cyril, don't you find it strange to publish a post on a museum exhibition without a single picture?
    --> RECAP (form & content): 07/14
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